Brighton Hispanic Informational Fair/Feria Informativa para la Comunidad Hispana en Brighton: June 15, 2013

Senator Brownsberger in collaboration with the Hispanic Community of St. Columbkille’s Church invite you an Informational Fair on Saturday, June 15, 2013 between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm.  The Fair will take place in the gymnasium of St. Columbkille Partnership School located at 25 Arlington Street in Brighton, MA.  Ample parking is available in the school yard.  Light refreshments will be …

S900, An Act establishing earned paid sick time

Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development. TO:                  Joint Committee On Labor Workforce and Development FROM:            Senator William N. Brownsberger RE:                  S900, An Act establishing earned paid sick time DATE:            June 6, 2013   I am writing with regard to S900, An Act establishing earned …

S1008, An Act relative to newborn pulse oximetry screenings for congenital heart defects

Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Public Health.   TO:          Committee on Public Health  FROM:    Senator William N. Brownsberger  RE:          S1008, An Act relative to newborn pulse oximetry screenings for congenital heart defects  DATE:    June 4, 2013    I am writing in support of S1008, an Act relative to …

Boston Strong — March with Will in Boston’s Pride Parade

Next Saturday, June 8, at noon, Boston’s annual pride parade will start with a moment of silence at the site of the Marathon bombing. Please come march with me in support of American liberty and freedom.  It’s one of the biggest events of the year in Boston. Please RSVP to, 617-610-4913.  We’re meeting at …

Watertown Police Outreach Meeting

I’m upset and also alarmed that police invite us to an “outreach” meeting that turned out to be an hour and a half of schmoozing and mututal self-congratulation, and NOT A SINGLE QUESTION submitted in writing was responded to or even read. First, it would have been helpful if we were told in advance that …

Tobacco Taxation

I’ve recently received some correspondence along the following lines: Dear Senator William Brownsberger: Please vote no on an ACROSS THE BOARD tobacco tax increase. Smokeless tobacco does not pose the same health threats and general repugnancy as do cigarettes (with the exception of spittoons as ground litter.). Cigarette smoke affects lungs(aerobic fitness potential, etc.), nearby …