S626, An Act relative to the withholding of rent

Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Committee on the Judiciary.

TO:          Committee on the Judiciary

 FROM:    Senator William N. Brownsberger

 RE:          S626, An Act relative to the withholding of rent

DATE:     June 19, 2013


 I am writing in support of S626, An Act relative to the withholding of rent.

 Massachusetts needs a rent escrow law that is fair and offers protections to both landlords and tenants. There are differing perceptions about how the escrow process works in practice, but I have heard stories of abuses by both tenants and landlords. 

 I hope that the committee can sift through this issue and improve the process.  S626 provides one thoughtful starting point.

View testimony S626 An Act relative to the withholding of rent