Senator Brownsberger has recently submitted the following testimony on S.1451, An Act relative to payments in lieu of taxation of organizations exempt from the property tax: TO: Joint Committee on Revenue FROM: Senator William N. Brownsberger RE: S.1451 DATE: May 12th, 2015 I am writing in support of S.1451, An Act relative to …
Neighborhood Solar
It is with great pleasure that Neighborhood Solar II is launched. Green Cambridge is partnering with Neighborhood Solar to help promote this program in Cambridge. This time-limited program opens to all residents, businesses, and non-profits in Watertown and Cambridge on Monday, May 1, 2015. Former Cambridge Mayor Henrietta Davis will host a public informational presentation on Wednesday, May 20, 2015, at 7:00 P.M. at the Cambridge Public Library, 449 Broadway Street in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Letters to the FAA
The towns of Arlington, Belmont and Watertown, Senators Brownsberger and Donnelly, Representatives Garballey, Hecht, Lawn and Rogers joined the Logan Airport Community Committee in urging the FAA to consider the Committee’s motion to reexamine the use of the Runway 33L RNAV departure procedures.
Drivers Licenses and Drug Crimes
In 1989, when the crack epidemic was on the front page every day, the Massachusetts legislature was among the first in the nation to pass a law requiring that the registrar of motor vehicles suspend the driver’s license of anyone convicted of any drug crime. It’s about time we revisited that law.
Senator Brownsberger to speak on panel on mass incarceration hosted by the New Start Project
Senator Brownsberger will be among the panelists when The New Start Project hosts a dialogue, “Is There a Mass Incarceration Problem in Massachusetts?” on Monday, May 4, 2015, from 6-8 pm at the Ladd Multipurpose Room at Wheelock College at 43 Hawes Street in Brookline.
Volunteers gather to clean up the Charles
The Watertown Tab? reported on the Charles River Cleanup. “On Saturday, April 25, volunteers picked up trash in Watertown as part of the 16th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup. In a collaboration led by Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA), volunteers from over 130 groups throughout the Watershed worked together to remove litter and invasive species from the banks of the Charles River and surrounding parks. You can see an album of pictures at our Facebook page?.