Update on Massport CAC Aviation Subcommittee Meeting – RNAV Study

On May 5th, 2017, a meeting of the Massport CAC Aviation Subcommittee was held at Massport. The major topic was an update from Massport and the MIT team working on the previously announced RNAV Study (http://bit.ly/2qaUrTY). John Hansman from MIT’s Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment who is leading the study team provided an update …

Wondering about Minuteman HS financials & politics

A postcard came informing me of a district-wide ballot to fund a new Minuteman High School. The ballot was needed because one of the communities (Belmont) declined to approve bonding. Minuteman said: “On May 4, 2016, one of Minuteman’s 16 member town meetings (Belmont’s) voted to disapprove the bond, effectively vetoing the project.” Belmont’s stance …

Should Mass adopt Ranked Choice Voting for State Elections

Maine is conducting a referendum on “ranked choice voting” (RCV, see www.rcvmaine.com), a system similar in at least in spirit to how Cambridge conducts municipal elections. I realize this method of voting can be confusing for voters, but it really is one of the fairest ways to tally votes. It gives more candidates and parties …

Update on Fiedler Bridge and Bikes?

Hi Will – I was glad to see an earlier post about the Fiedler bridge and the [editorializing] crazy signage regarding walking our bikes. It was from 2014, and there was mention of some updates and communication with DCR. Is anything likely to change? —— Then, just so it’s clear my perspective, I’m a bike …

Beer Distributor Reform

In today’s (Thur) Globe (front of Business section) there is piece about removing the archaic restrictions where brewers are essentially held hostage by distributors. There is a bill before the Senate to reform that.The head of the Beer Distributors of Mass, Bill Kelley, whines on about how this change would hurt working families. Cry me …