The Green Line Maintenance Yard

I had a fascinating visit a couple of weeks ago to the Green Line Maintenance Yard in Newton. They roll cars in on a track extension and inspect them and perform routine maintenance from an underground trench. If the cars need heavier maintenance, they can roll them onto a special track and lift up the …

2014 Green Line Forum: May 28, 6PM, Boston Public Library

This year’s Green Line Forum, will be held Wednesday, May 28, 6:00-8:00 p.m. in Rabb Lecture Hall at the Copley Library. Dr. Scott and MBTA personnel will discuss the progress that has been made towards addressing concerns raised during last year’s event and update riders on new initiatives. Attendees will be able to ask questions …

70/70A Performance

Last month I posted a table of bus performance statistics for routes in Senator Brownsberger’s district.  An sharp eyed constituent noticed that the 70/70a lagged behind its counterparts in on-time performance.  I assumed that the extraordinary length (10 miles for the 70 and over 13 miles for the 70a) of the routes, negatively impacted its …

Departure platform moved to improve #73 and #71 bus service

Platform Change As of Monday, April 28 the departure platform for MBTA buses #73 and #71 going to Belmont and Watertown during Monday through Saturday will now be on the lower busway of Harvard Station. Departure on Sundays and holidays will be on the upper busway. This change should help improve service times and is …

Proposed MBTA Fare Increases

Today, I attended a briefing on the MBTA’s proposed fare increase with Transportation Secretary Rich Davey and MBTA Chief Financial Officer Jonathan Davis.  The MBTA is considering increasing fares in response to last year’s transportation fiance overhaul that directs the MBTA to generate an increasing share of its own revenue.  As part of last year’s …

Waverley Square Bus Service During Construction

From the Belmont Town Engineer, Glenn Clancy, in response to the question of where to get on the bus during the next couple of months of construction in Waverley Square. Church Street will be temporarily a one way from Trapelo Road to Lexington Street. Buses will enter Church from Trapelo Road, pull down Church Street …