I’m planning to submit a letter to the MBTA summarizing concerns about their budget cut proposals. I thought I would post the draft here so that people could identify any concerns or solution ideas that I had failed to include.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
MBTA proposals are socially and economically devastating
Dear Sen. Brownsberger: Are you taking a leadership role in fighting these destructive and short-sighted T proposals? The MBTA was deliberately left with a huge Big Dig debt and an inadequate funding stream, to support itself by exploiting helpless fare-payers. We need to remove the debt from the T, and create a proper state funding …
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Boston Globe Story on MBTA Debt
The globe did a good story this week on the issue of T debt.
Recent legislation
Will Congratulations! Best of luck and strength and inspiration, in all your efforts and collaborations Just a quick note regarding two current legislative initiatives. “3 Strikes”- I can’t tell you how glad I am that you’re resisting this effort. It’s a blunt weapon that often disregards any sense of respective circumstances of individuals, and doesn’t …
Public Transportation Should Receive Funding From Gas Tax
Anyone witnessing the sea of headlights and taillights at rush hour on the highways must realize that the solution to many transportation and environmental related problems rests with public transportation. The decision whether to commute to work in an automobile or public transportation is solely in the impact to the pocketbook. The MBTA and …
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MBTA Financial Condition
The MBTA faces a long-term structural budget deficit. The steep fare increases and service cuts proposed offer only short-term financial relief. In the long run, we need to provide more financial support for the T.