The following statement was released jointly by State Senator Will Brownsberger, State Senator Pat Jehlen, Representative Jon Hecht and Representative Dave Rogers. Update 2/11/2016: Contract Awarded If you commute inbound from Belmont, Watertown or West Cambridge, there is one problem you always have to solve — how to get past the congestion on Fresh Pond …
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Proposed MBTA Fare Increases
Today, I attended a briefing on the MBTA’s proposed fare increase with Transportation Secretary Rich Davey and MBTA Chief Financial Officer Jonathan Davis. The MBTA is considering increasing fares in response to last year’s transportation fiance overhaul that directs the MBTA to generate an increasing share of its own revenue. As part of last year’s …
Waverley Square Bus Service During Construction
From the Belmont Town Engineer, Glenn Clancy, in response to the question of where to get on the bus during the next couple of months of construction in Waverley Square. Church Street will be temporarily a one way from Trapelo Road to Lexington Street. Buses will enter Church from Trapelo Road, pull down Church Street …
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Allston I-90, Massachusetts Turnpike Interchange Improvement Project
Next Thursday, April 10th at 6:30PM will be the first public meeting held by MassDOT to discuss the Allst0n I-90 Massachusetts Turnpike Interchange Improvement Project (#606475) at the Jackson Mann Community Center, 500 Cambridge Street in Allston. This $260 million project to straighten the MassPike will have an indelible impact on the neighborhood. The project …
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2nd Suffolk & Middlesex MBTA Route Performance Indicators
All of the above data was culled from the MBTA’s Route Performance Indicators. You can view see a set of statistics for all bus routes here. The ridership counts are estimates based on a survey conducted in the fall of 2010 using Automated Passenger Counters and manual counts, not fare box information. Terminology: Route Type …
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Voluntary Commuter Bicycle License
Hi Will, Here is the idea I told you about, I have never done this before, all input is appreciated: Problem: Accidents occur because motorists and cyclists are unaware of existing rule of the road. Commuters feel insecure about choosing bicycle commuting. Motorists do not know what actions to expect from cyclists. Many people do …