Drugs and addictions overview

In response to popular demand, I’ve created this conversation category on drugs and addictions. This overview collects some older posts and summarizes my current thinking. I have been thinking about these issues for over 20 years and my thinking has evolved considerably over time. Here is an overview of my thinking on drugs and addictions: …

New law requiring fingerprinting of school and camp staff

A new law (Chapter 77 of the Acts of 2013) requires the fingerprinting of all staff at both public and private schools who are in contact with students.  The procedure is that a person goes to an FBI-approved vendor who takes the fingerprints.  They are then sent to the FBI which checks for matches with …

Senate Passes Bill for Long-Term Substance Abuse Recovery

Senator Brownsberger stood with Senate President Murray and fellow Senators at the President’s May 8th press conference as she announced her plan to address the need for long-term substance abuse treatment in the Commonwealth. Senator Brownsberger serves on the Senate Special Committee on Drug Abuse and Treatment Options. The Senate took up bill S2133 in formal session today (5/13). It passed unanimously, including an …

The ever-growing surveillance state

Although this seems to be a national issue this could also be an issue for a state representative blog site. The 10th amendment of the Constitution permits federal law nullification and carveouts see www.tenthamendmentCenter.com. Unless your hiding under a rock you must be quite aware of what’s going on with respect to the fourth amendment …

Local officials regulate dogs and kennels.

Because Belmont has been considering a new animal control law, I’ve been receiving some state law questions. State law vests authority for regulation of animals with local officials. General Laws, Chapter 140, sections 136A through 172 defines local authority over both kennels and individual dogs. Here are a few relevant sections. Section 136A defines terms, …