October is National Energy Awareness Month.
Planning Updates for I-90 Interchange
There is a confusing set of overlapping planning initiatives underway for transportation in the Allston-Brighton area.
Marijuana Vote in Belmont on Tuesday
A yes vote will approve a new town Bylaw limiting the number of retail marijuana establishments in Belmont and prohibiting testing, manufacturing and cultivation facilities in Belmont.
Moving Forward with the Belmont Community Path
The pieces are finally coming together to build a Belmont community path that will make an important contribution to community safety, but one important decision remains.
System Responses to Problematic Behaviors by a Child Under 12
As a result of the recent increase in the age of juvenile court jurisdiction at the lower end to 12 for purposes of adjudicating juvenile delinquency, Senator Brownsberger’s office has received a number of inquiries as to how the court system, a school system, or other entities might respond to problematic behaviors by a child under the age of 12.
MBTA’s Focus 40 Plan
Comments are due on the MBTA’s long term plan on Friday, September 21. It is a provocative document that is well worth a read.