I am writing to ask you to contact the Judiciary Committee before their hearing on July 14th to express your support for two bills that protect sexual health services and opposition to two bills which are hostile to these services.
revised biking laws
Your recent post about bike paths around Alewife reminded me of something I’ve had wandering in my head for a bit of time now… Bicyclists currently have to abide by the same rules that cars do, but I don’t think this makes sense. Firstly, cyclists don’t represent quite as high a danger as cars/trucks, since …
How can the state help local school districts without sending them more money?
This post is a summary of the answers to this question that came out during a forum in Belmont in March with Commisioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, Mitchell Chester.
Alewife updates — McCrehan Pool looking good
The McCrehan pool on Rindge Avenue opened on June 27 and will remain open until August 16, according to DCR’s current plans. It’s looking much better than it has for a while.
Alewife updates — DCR progress on flooding issues
The single most immediate priority for flood control is assuring that the Alewife Brook and the Mystic River have the capacity to drain large rainstorms. Recent progress is encouraging.
Alewife updates — Silver Maple Forest
For the past 10 years, I have been among conservation advocates hoping to find a way to preserve the Silver Maple Forest property adjacent to the Alewife reservation. We are still struggling.