I had been Selectman in Belmont for only a couple of months, when, in the major June 1998 rain storm, a constituent called me late one night to come see the raw sewage rising out of the sink in his finished basement.
Legislative Spending for legal services
I’m happy to see Speaker DeLeo has responded to his house members and begun an investigation of legal fees for the ex-speaker. But – it’s only a start. The entire Legislative body’s spending, perks and benefits must have records open to the public. To think they are “special” and don’t need to have the public see …
Availability of information about legislative spending
This post relates to a fairly technical question that has been the subject of some confusion on the House floor: Exactly what information is available to the public about spending on legislative operations?
Auto Insurance Surcharges
I am curious as to your thoughts on the way we structure this in MA. I had a minor accident in Somerville in August (I backed into the left front door of a parked car causing scratches and dents). Insurance company first told me it would be $1600 to fix the other car, considered a …
Chinese Officials Indicted for Genocide in Spain
We are very happy with this news and would like to share it with you. http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/25383/ Thank you very much! Jane MIT Falun Dafa Club
Update on Education Reform
The Senate did not complete debate on the bill until late on Tuesday and amended it extensively. House action is expected in early January, so we have some time to study and consider the controversial aspects of the bill.