Tenant/Landlord Issues: Invasions of Privacy

Hi Will,

I’m curious to know if there is current legislation in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in regards to Tenant/Landlord laws.  On several occasions, I have experienced blatant invasion of privacy from my current Landlord. He has entered my apartment without notice, or warning, only to discover that I am present.

I understand that a Landlord needs to gain access to apartments to oversee maintenance issues and other potentials emergencies. However, he has a history of entering the premises when he sees fit.  This is very unsettled and a clear violation of my right to privacy as a tenant, not to mention a security concern—his behavior has slipped into the realm of stalking..

I would appreciate any suggestions you may have on how to solve this dilemma.

2 replies on “Tenant/Landlord Issues: Invasions of Privacy”

  1. For tenants rights advice, my suggestion would be to contact Cambridge/Somerville Office Legal Services: 60 Gore Street, Suite 203, Cambridge, MA 02141 Voice: 617-603-2700 They are experts in tenant side real estate law.

    Depending on how intrusive and inappropriate the visits have been you might also want to contact the Cambridge Police.

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