Housing Policy Summary

Since it was signed in August, I have been working to quantitatively assess the reach of our recent major housing bill. This post summarizes findings which point to an important conclusion: Even with ambitious state investment in subsidized housing, we can subsidize only about 10% of the new housing units that we need to bring down rents and home prices. High rents and home prices are driving our young people out of Massachusetts. We need to make Massachusetts a place that attracts developers to build enough market housing that the laws of supply and demand put meaningful downward pressure on rents and home prices.


Housing finance is complicated. In the discussion below, we will divide the universe of all housing in Massachusetts into three broad categories. The categories sometimes blur into each other, but not to a degree that distorts the points made below.

  • “Public housing” is rental housing owned by any of the 242 local public housing authorities in Massachusetts. Some public housing is supported by state funds and some by federal funds and some by complex combinations of state and federal funds.
  • “Subsidized housing” is privately-owned but subsidized with tax credits, soft debt, grants, rental assistance or other assistance from any level of government. Subsidized housing units are mostly rental units with reduced rents, but also include a few owner-occupied units. Note that subsidies may support construction, operation, and/or maintenance.
  • “Market housing” — private housing housing built and operated without direct government financial support, including
    • owner-occupied units (including single-family homes as well as condominium units in multi-family buildings)
    • privately owned rental units, mostly rented at market rents. A market project could include some units with reduced rents where inclusionary zoning applies.

We use the terms “housing” and “housing units” interchangeably and both terms include single-unit/family as well as multi-unit/family dwellings.

Quantitative points

It is useful to understand how big each of these categories is and how they are trending:

  1. There are a little over 7 million people in Massachusetts, living in a little under 3 million housing units, of which approximately 1 million are rented.
  2. Massachusetts has low rental vacancy rates and a shortage of housing units available for purchase.
  3. To accommodate expected growth and to alleviate our current housing shortage, we need to build about 200,000 housing units across all categories during the current decade. This is an historically achievable pace, but we have been running somewhat behind that pace for the past few years.
  4. We have approximately 70,000 public housing units in Massachusetts — roughly 2% of all our housing units.
  5. Our supply of public housing is stable — we are not adding to it; the challenge is to maintain it. Our recent housing bill elevates real maintenance spending for public housing considerably above historical levels.
  6. We have approximately 300,000 subsidized housing units in Massachusetts. These are mostly rental units and comprise roughly 30% of our rental housing units and 10% of all our housing units. Our count of subsidized housing units includes approximately 85,000 housing units that are nominally market housing units but are occupied by tenants with mobile housing vouchers.
  7. We have been producing approximately 2,000 to 2,500 subsidized housing units annually in recent years. Available statistics are incomplete as to how many of these are new units, as opposed to rehabilitated units.
  8. Our recent bill substantially increases direct funding for development of subsidized housing and we have separately increased tax credits for subsidized housing. However, despite our substantial investment, inflation in construction costs is large enough that we should expect to roughly continue our current level of subsidized housing production.
  9. All together, all forms of housing support through our recent bill or existing state and federal programs will likely subsidize production of roughly 12,000 units over the next five years.
  10. In other words, out of the 100,000 housing units that we need to produce over the next five years (really we need to produce more to catch up with anemic production for the past few years), roughly 90% will need to come from market housing production.

Policy points

The level of state housing subsidy (tax credits, soft debt, grants) that we have committed to over the next five years is politically maximal — we cannot expect to increase state housing spending, nor can we expect much more help from the federal government. Our recent housing bill does include a number of policy measures to support market housing production: funding for local infrastructure improvement, authorizations for development of public property, statewide approval for accessory dwelling units, and measures streamlining local zoning. The Governor’s Secretariat of Housing and Livable Communities has estimated that these measures could help add approximately 21,000 additional units over the next five years. Of course, the other high profile policy measure designed to increase housing production is the MBTA zoning bill that we passed in 2021 and was recently upheld as enforceable by the Supreme Judicial Court. It is perilous to guess how much housing production will result from any of these measures. I do not mean to discount the possibility of success; just to acknowledge that there are many variables (notably, interest rates) that interact with any particular policy measure, making consequences hard to predict.

Three things are clear:

  • Most of our housing production has to come from market housing development.
  • Private housing capital is mobile. I have reached out to a number of developers to gain a better understanding of what drives their production decisions and most of them invest in multiple states and/or countries, depending on where the project opportunities offer the highest returns and lowest risk.
  • There is a general perception, hard to quantify but well supported by credible anecdotes, that while Massachusetts offers great investment opportunities, Massachusetts is a complicated place to do business and that housing production approvals are much slower and more uncertain than in many other places. Delay and uncertainty discourage housing investment.

We need to be looking for additional ways to simplify the development process (including the construction process) for market housing. It is important to acknowledge that Massachusetts has made the development process complicated for lots of good reasons — tenancy preservation, local neighborhood planning, local fiscal considerations, wetlands and open space protection, climate goals. Our conversation about how to simplify will continue over the years to come. Central in that conversation will be the issue of density: Whether, where, how, and at what scale we can fast track apartment buildings. Apartment buildings offer the best chance of simultaneously meeting housing and climate goals. An important contribution to that conversation will come from the Governor’s Commission on Unlocking Housing Production.

While I am cautious about any proposal that might make Massachusetts less attractive to housing production (like rent control, TOPA, and the transfer tax), I was pleased to support measures in the Affordable Homes Act to help:

  • Tenants — eviction sealing, expanded condo conversion protections, new voluntary alternative to up-front security deposit, Office of Fair Housing, protections for tenants in local housing development
  • Homebuyers — buyers’ right to inspection, increase in homestead exemption, foreclosure prevention pilot program, condominium board process improvements, registered land administration improvements.
  • Veterans — supportive housing program, preference in inclusionary zoning
  • Seasonal communities — geographic equity in spending, seasonal communities designation, seasonal communities advisory council

One additional measure that we unsuccessfully proposed last year, which I hope we can return to this year, is the prohibition of forced payment of brokerage fees by tenants.

Data gaps

Available data from the Census may be misleading as to which income groups are experiencing the greatest housing shortage. The American Community Survey — the annual Census data product that explores issues like rent burden — may not accurately capture the economic situation of tenants. In particular, it appears not to adequately reflect the housing subsidies that many of the lowest income tenants are receiving. As a result, studies based on the Census data tend to define our housing problem as one that mostly affects extremely low income people. A line of research that I hope to continue to develop tends to support a view that the greatest gap is for moderate income people. I also hope to improve visibility into the mix of units that we are subsidizing; available data are incomplete and there are many fair questions to ask about how to help the most people through the housing subsidy investments that we are making.

Published by Will Brownsberger

Will Brownsberger is State Senator from the Second Suffolk and Middlesex District.

28 replies on “Housing Policy Summary”

  1. Will,
    this is characteristically thorough, clearly-explained, and persuasive. I know that gimmicks such as rent control have popular appeal, but as you note, they work against long-term solutions. Keep up the good fight!

  2. Thank you. Maybe we should support organizations like Habitat for Humanity. I know many people who would gladly volunteer. Willi Meisinger

  3. As a longtime renter, I would support rollout of bills like TOPA, and am confused as to why that would discourage development long term?

      1. Sorry, Will, you’re just restating your assertion rather than explaining the connection. I have read the research about TOPA, and it slows down transfers of rental properties by a few months, but it’s not clear why it would affect development of new housing. Slowing down the process of selling would definitely impact apartment owners, But as a neighborhood and community stabilization tool, a slowdown in selling properties to the first cash offer is not a bad thing. I agree it will not have a huge impact, but allowing cities to consider this option within their specific context seems like a good idea. There needs to be a balance between Realtors, who call this a poison pill, and tenants who are facing displacement.

    1. It is a total myth that TOPA would hamper production of new housing

      In Washington DC where TOPA has been in effect since 1981 thousands of existing housing units have been removed from the speculative real estate cycle but production of new housing has remained very high. Since TOPA does not exist anywhere else .. assertions that it will slow new production have absolutely no basis.

      If the investment capital that is going into neighborhood de-stabilizing purchases of older working class rental housing were regulated, that capital could/might migrate to production of market rate housing

  4. I am really surprised the dark of night MBTA Communities Act was deemed, or perhaps declared Constitutional.

  5. I think we need much more public housing. The state needs to commit the funds for building it and maintaining it. This is the only housing that is guaranteed to remain affordable. “Affordable” as a term that developers use is not really affordable for low-income families.

    1. Thanks, Jeanne, I understand the appeal of public housing. Most people in the housing field are not focused on expanding public housing, at least not in the traditional form. The big housing projects of the 40s, 50s, and 60s tended to go in a bad direction. Scatter site public housing can work. But here’s the thing: We just can’t build enough of it to alter the supply/demand balance. With all the money we can currently muster we are only subsidizing 2 or 3 thousand units per year. If we were doing public units, where there was no private capital involved, we’d be building even fewer.

      We have to attract more private capital and build more market housing. The market housing will not serve the most needy, but more housing will help loosen up the market for everyone. There are so many middle income working people who can’t find a place to live.

  6. I believe the primary focus should be zoning. Even in Boston there is NIMBY opposition to modest development. The state should consider more zoning reform. First ban any municipality from having any parking minimum on any unit of housing statewide. People can figure out transportation and putting arbitrary parking minimums on properties only hurts the ability to add housing stock. Next allow for easier upzoning on any existing unit. Any property that has a sewer setup should be allowed to have up to 4 units of housing without needing a zoning variance. Eliminating the need to get arbitrary variances that are often blocked due to odd NIMBY opposition will speed up development across the state as many smaller developers will be able to build quicker without going through the needlessly long zoning/community process.

  7. Maybe the reason “most people” in the field aren’t interested in building public housing is because it’s more difficult for the private sector to profit. That private capital doesn’t come to the public for free. It has to generate a return. Have you looked at how much private developers are making from low-risk affordable housing projects? And how much is going to lawyers and bankers through schemes to make these projects overly difficult to finance. This bottom feeding is costing us hundreds of units every year and that adds up. The legislature needs to stand up to these special interests.

    1. I share your concern about all the soft costs in the subsidized affordable housing development process, which is very complex. One thing I’m pushing for is more transparency on this — we lack accessible reporting on this. But I’m not sure that it turns out any better in public housing projects. Ironically, the admittedly anecdotal data that I have suggests that the soft costs and construction costs are lowest in market housing development.

  8. Thank you Senator for this enlightening data and performance goals. I would gladly support a radical approach to affordable housing. It’s time we stepped outside the lines. The DCR has a lot of land which could be transacted for free to a developer that could build mini units. Youtube is filled with vendors that create amazing 500/750 sf units, in the 10 – 20K range! They could be delivered to a simple slab and utility setup, alternatively powered by a solar farm the Commonwealth does very well. Vision 500 to 1,000 units, handsomely planned, within a mile or two of a train stop, halfway between Worcester and Boston. A highly visible, pilot project, with a notable developer and builder could put the concept on the map. The State would subsidize the development with funds carved off from another housing initiative. To top it off, make the units home ownership.

    I am not the first person to think of this and I believe a similar idea was created in New Orleans after Katrina.

    Tim McHale

  9. I’m beginning to get a better understanding of the complexity of the situation. Solutions to the problems that seemed unimaginable now seem tangible. Your work is a great source of hope especially now. Thank you Senator. Massachusetts is a better State with you in it. Keep up the Good Fight.

  10. Housing production is still basically artisanal. After all these years I still don’t see much progress in industrialized housing production (pre-fab, modular, mobile, etc.). Why haven’t more resources gone into producing housing units that take less time and labor to erect? They don’t need to be flimsy or shoddy. Are zoning laws a drawback to doing this and can that be addressed?

  11. The “affordable housing” listings for 40B developments are easy to find on line (Boston.gov, look under resources, then affordable housing), but the prices charged for these so-called affordable rentals is shockingly high!

    These developers receive incentives to create a small percentage of affordable rentals, so why are these prices so high? And is it really fair to be charging up to $150 a month for parking? I especially when it’s a place in the suburbs where land is more available than the city.

  12. Hi Will,
    As a former small landlord – we left the business as the tenant protections in Mass made it untenable so to speak. I think there should be legal indemnification for live in owners of multifamily properties. Whether that is feasible or not, creating a better environment for multifamily property owners would do more to curb rent increases than creating large market rate developments – because we are people in your building who know you – and we don’t have investors clamoring for a rate of return.

    Why would a small landlord want to be in a business when a deadbeat tenant can avoid eviction due to non payment of rent and then stiff you for an additional six months of rent before clearing out? All the while threatening you and making your home a living hell. There is protection for tenants. There seems to be none for small multifamily property owners. Some people even leave their apartments empty.

    Are there other incentives that would make owners reconsider condo conversion of multifamily properties? Even a tax rebate?

    Thanks for your thoughtful analysis!

  13. Without enacting a statewide rent stabilization law in MA similar to what NY State enacted in 1970’s (and also regulating the rents of all post-2008-constructed market rate rental residential units in MA) in 2025, market-rate rental apartments in MA will continue to be unaffordable for the majority of working-class and middle-class tenants who might wish to reside in MA during the next decade. Allowing for-profit real estate developers in Allston-Brighton to construct more high-rise, unregulated market-rate luxury apartment buildings, that often contain warehoused vacant market-rate units after they’re built (due to their rents being unaffordable for most current Allston-Brighton tenants and homeowner-occupants, etc.), won’t end the current affordable housing crisis in either Allston-Brighton or in other areas of MA.

    1. The lag time between constructing market rate housing and seeing a moderating effect on nearby prices is long. Even proponents of this “trickle-down” approach, aka filtering, acknowledge that it will likely take as long as 50 years to see meaningful results. In the meantime, redevelopment means displacement of existing residents. So rather than try to cram more and more people into a congested and finite area, it would be great to see real effort put into high-speed rail so that areas that are land-rich and job-poor, in central and western MA, might become feasible locations for housing construction at scale. Not only might this allow commuters to get to the Boston area in decent time, but it might also draw business development to areas long considered too remote from the Hub.

  14. Any thoughts about advancing a bill similar to what the Boston Indicators Project proposed regarding single stair buildings? They seem better in many ways and more most expensive to construct. Plus they are in keeping with the urban form of many of our communities which were built pretty 1970. So possibly more acceptable people. After all, we pay lots of money to visit Europe and other countries where they predominate. Boston Indicators report here: https://www.bostonindicators.org/reports/report-detail-pages/single-stair

  15. The City of Boston is closing four schools which I presume is due to lack of enrollment and not due to heating systems or whatever. Not clear whether these buildings will be rebuilt. Again that’s my assumption, if correct. Could these buildings be converted to senior housing? Seniors (speaking for myself) don’t need lead paint removal. I really don’t like seeing old buildings being torn down. Too many building code regulations. I don’t really care if the boilers in the basement are fired by natural gas or oil. When it’s 20 degrees outside, I just want heat. Trying to comply with all the environmental stuff really increases the cost of some housing. I’m sure I’m in the minority here. Owning a home and having dealt with contractors, I note they really only want to do the big ticket items i.e. make a mountain out of a mole hill for their own bottom line and not for my means Granted individual bathrooms would need to be built and handicapped at that. Further the City of Boston shouldn’t be building a sports stadium when all of us got a property tax increase. Maybe it’s all about favoring the construction unions.

  16. The 800 pound elephant in the room is that illegal aliens are pouring into this state because the Legislature and Governor do not care to amend the right-to-shelter law to add a residency requirement. Right now MA residents who need transitory/emergency housing have to get to the back of the line because the shelter system is full of illegals. This also makes it much harder for people to find affordable permanent housing in MA. As Will said we have 7 million people in 3 million housing units, which drives prices sky high.

    Also, the migrant shelter system has been roundly criticized because as was recently reported, nobody is checking if the migrants have criminal records and our Governor has apparently lied to us about that. 3000+ incidents of criminal activity in the “Healey Hotels” and everyone wants to sweep that under the rug. Also now you want another $425 million of our hard-earned money to keep that dumpster fire afloat.

    To fix the housing crisis in MA, we need to fix the migrant crisis first. Start by removing those migrants with criminal records or court-ordered deportation requests. If you don’t then Tom Homan will do this starting on Jan 20th. Once those who are not authorized legally to be in MA have been removed this will open up more housing for those who are either US Citizens or foreign citizens who have immigrated here LEGALLY.

    1. Right on when illegals and violent criminals are removed there will be more housing . How many illegals are there in Massachusetts? Come in legally and follow w our immigration laws
      Many people need to move to west communities like Sterling or Worcester or NH or NH
      We can’t take care of everyone.Tom Holman means business wake up

  17. I learn more from reading constituents’ comments on Will’s web site than I ever did in high school civics. This is one heckuva public square.

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