Can we trust government with our Roads? Beware Road “Improvements”

OK, I will admit it — as everyone probably guessed by now — I’m not a big fan of traffic calming or lane reduction, or anything else that further clogs the cow-paths we call “roads”. Lord knows, I’m not itching  itching for another “Car v. Bike” shouting match, but here’s the latest NMA post re …

Ever wonder why the speed limit on Rt 3 is so low…and if that CAUSES accidents (it does) more…

By John Carr, NMA Massachusetts Activist “One of the things Ford Prefect had always found hardest to understand about humans was their habit of continually stating and repeating the very very obvious.” – Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy “THINK ROAD SAFETY!” the sign commanded. “OBEY SPEED LIMIT,” it added. I saw this …

Good News….(for a change)…

OK, it’s late on a friday, and a hurricane is bearing down on us, and no one wants to hear about traffic safety, but here goes anyway. Who’s already got the safest roads in the world? Guess  what… WE DO! [The original, more confusing graph has been removed (8/28/2011 ..RC] (US State with the lowest …

Help Control Self-Defense Fees in Massachusetts

You may have read about the recent Massachusetts legal cases involving parking and traffic ticket defense costs.  The current system imposes onerous charges simply to defend one’s self in court, and the NMA assisted in two cases to challenge the constitutionality of that system. In one of those cases, Vincent Gillespie was required to pay …