Good News….(for a change)…

OK, it’s late on a friday, and a hurricane is bearing down on us, and no one wants to hear about traffic safety, but here goes anyway. Who’s already got the safest roads in the world? Guess  what… WE DO! [The original, more confusing graph has been removed (8/28/2011 ..RC] (US State with the lowest …

Help Control Self-Defense Fees in Massachusetts

You may have read about the recent Massachusetts legal cases involving parking and traffic ticket defense costs.  The current system imposes onerous charges simply to defend one’s self in court, and the NMA assisted in two cases to challenge the constitutionality of that system. In one of those cases, Vincent Gillespie was required to pay …

Rt 128 N Merge at Rt 2 W – Commuters North – There’s got to be a better way….

Dear Will – it was nice getting to meet you at Town Day – also great to get a chance to discuss the library. Unfortunately, I’m writing on another topic — like many Belmonters, I commute out to 128 on a daily basis. In my case I head North in the morning and south in …

Two Approaches to Traffic Safety (or Revenue Generation — take your pick)

[from the NMA newsletter] This is a tale of two cities and how they approach their traffic safety responsibilities. As the newsletter title intimates, Roseville (California) and Chevy Chase Village (Maryland) represent a contrast of law enforcement philosophies. Let’s start with Roseville. Former Sacramento City Manager Ray Kerridge moved into that same role with Roseville …