Alewife Circle Improvements at Rt. 2 and Rt. 16

Department of Transportation (DOT) officials have updated our office about the ongoing work to improve the Alewife Circle at the intersection of Routes 2 and 16. DOT’s reference number for this project is 605637. DOT is currently performing field testing this week and the agency expects the 75% submittal in March. Specifically, DOT began work …

Removing the Bowker By Improving Longwood to Pike access

Regarding the Bowker overpass, I know the state is concerned about handling the traffic if the Bowker is removed (especially to/from the Longwood area), while most area residents would like to see the Bowker gone. The following suggestions would make using the Pike to get to Longwood easier, thus reducing the need to use Storrow …

You are Invited to a January 17th Public Information Meeting on Green Line Capacity Issues & Solutions

The Green Line meeting has already happened — but it’s not too late to . . . Share your thoughts online! Elected officials have organized a Public Information Meeting on Green Line Capacity Issues & Solutions on January 17th at the Boston Public Library. If you would like further information about this forum you may contact any of …

What do we want the MBTA to be in 2030?

What do we need our public transportation to look like twenty years from now? There is consensus that we need to address the backlog in our transportation infrastructure maintenance, but no consensus on what we need to develop for the future. My advocacy priority now is to build consensus that we need to improve our …

What happened with the Trapelo Road road project (604688) ???

Got this question by email: I just noticed that all the bids (both) got cancelled on 12/20/2012 and bidding will re-open at some future date. Why? Answer: The bids came in high because of some concerns about challenges that the project would raise — bidders seemed to view it as a tunnel project requiring special …