The MBTA in the 2013-4 legislative session

My top priority in the first leg of the 2013-14 session will be strengthening the MBTA. The maintenance backlog and service challenges of the MBTA have drawn wide attention. But we need to do much more than stabilize the existing system. We need to increase the capacity of the busiest routes on the system. Much …

Charles River Basin Connectivity Study

On Tuesday night, I attended a community meeting hosted by DCR and MassDOT to present the Charles River Basin Bike and Pedestrian Connectivity Study. This study was commissioned as part of Governor Patrick’s Accelerated Bridge Program to identify connectivity gaps that place constraints on bike and pedestrian traffic throughout the Charles River Basin and make …

Update on “the Ride” issues

I wanted to let you know that I am a long-time ride user. It is used by many people with disabilities for more than just medical appointments. It is used for transportation to both paid and volunteer work, transportation to the polls, grocery shopping, exercise classes, family visits (I especially like it when one elderly …

Wheeling along the sidewalks of Watertown

I use a wheelchair for my mobility and I currently live in wheelchair accessible housing in Watertown square. I originally thought that it would be “easy” to wheel my own chair down to the square. I was wrong. Even when I tried to stay on the sidewalks that were available, many are too narrow to …

Speed limits on highways.

Will, Can you tell us where you would stand on this bill? This is hearsay, but it came from someone involved in the project. When Rt 3 between Burlington and NH was widened, the speed limit was never changed. My understanding is that after a road is majorly reworked, a speed survey is done …

S1637, An Act relative to motor vehicle registration plates

Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Transportation. TO:          Committee on Transportation  FROM:    Senator William N. Brownsberger  RE:           S1637, An Act relative to motor vehicle registration plates  DATE:       September 10, 2013  I am writing in support of S1637, An Act relative to motor vehicle registration plates.  Eliminating the requirement for …