Budget amendment on bump stocks

Will,  I’ve read the language of the bump stock amendment out of the House. First, I’d like to say I believe the commonwealth should ban bump stocks and any other device that accomplishes the same thing. However, there is language in there that’s far too vague and onerous. It says… “or whoever modifies any rifle, …

The condition of our roads

Will, I’ll be blunt. The condition of our roads (all of them, local, state, divided highways, etc) is abysmal. In 30 years of driving in MA, I’ve never seen them at this level of deterioration. So what’s going to be done? All the publicity around transportation funding centers around the MBTA and bike paths. For …

Speed limits on highways.

Will, Can you tell us where you would stand on this bill? http://boston.com/news/local/blogs/starts-and-stops/2013/09/11/speed-limit-mph-too-slow-says-rep-winslow/EVS0nTyzzbPozQNrWAMEDN/blog.html This is hearsay, but it came from someone involved in the project. When Rt 3 between Burlington and NH was widened, the speed limit was never changed. My understanding is that after a road is majorly reworked, a speed survey is done …