The bottom line is that congestion is going to get considerably worse in the inner core.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Arsenal Street Corridor Study: Public Meeting, June 22
From MassDOT: The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has released the Draft Final Report for the Arsenal Street Corridor Study Please join MassDOT for a Public Information Meeting on the Arsenal Street Corridor Study Thursday, June 22, 2017 Presentation at 6:00 PM Open House, 7:00 to 8:00 PM Watertown Free Public Library Watertown Savings Bank Meeting …
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I-90 Lane Reduction – 6/2/2017-6/5/2017
From MassDOT: To prepare for the Commonwealth Avenue Bridge Replacement Project (Scheduled for July 26 to August 14) MassDOT will be conducting a “Dry Run” of the traffic logistics on I-90 this weekend. This test will reduce the travel lanes on the Turnpike from 4 in each direction to 2 in each direction – from …
Comm Ave Bridge Replacement Project
From MassDOT: MassDOT has announced the 2017 construction shutdown window for the Commonwealth Avenue Bridge Replacement Project. Between Wednesday, July 26, and Monday, August 14, there will be significant service impacts to all modes of transportation along Commonwealth Avenue in the Boston University/Saint Paul Street neighborhood of Boston and on I-90 (Massachusetts Turnpike). The project …
Moving from BRTto LRT (light rail)
Will, I met you about two years ago at the Faneuil library in Brighton with my friend Frank who lives in Belmont. While his concerns were mainly fraud in municipal bonds, mine were transit. Here is a site you may want to check for transit based information: Thanks, Bill Aldrich
MBTA Service Cuts
The MBTA has proposed to cut services to balance its budget. While I do not endorse any of the cuts, I do feel we need to let the MBTA board work through the hard choices it has to make.