Dear Members of the Vision Zero Coalition and the Greater Street Safety Community My husband and I have worked to try to make the streets of Boston safer following the death of our daughter Allison. She was struck and killed by a Duckboat tour vehicle April 30th, 2016. We have been told by the authorities …
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
I-90 Restored to All 4 Lanes in Each Direction by 5:00 AM, Monday
Full I-90 lane restoration completed three weeks ahead of schedule.
Symphony Station Accessibility Project – Public Meeting
Second meeting — same content The next public information meeting regarding the MBTA Symphony Hall Station Project will be held August 24 at 6:30 p.m. at Symphony Plaza, 334 Mass Ave in Boston. Presentation Materials from the 7/26 Public Meeting Available Download pdf First meeting The MBTA has announced the first public meeting to discuss …
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Comm Ave Bridge Replacement Project Update: Pre-Construction Public Meetings
If you live in Boston or commute to Boston, the Comm Ave bridge replacement is likely to be a big deal.
Bus service to Boston Landing Station
Loving the new station – service to downtown is so much quicker and will only get better when they add more options to catch the train. My question is about the bus service to the area. The only line that is convenient to the Station is the 64 bus, which does not come by that …
Progress on the Green Line
I recently had the chance to sit down and catch up with MBTA managers working on Green Line improvements.
Improving the Green Line has been a key priority of mine for years and I am pleased by what I am hearing.