The Senate Ways and Means Committee released its budget draft for Fiscal 2014 today. It shaves total formula local aid overall just slightly, but some communities that have historically been shortchanged, notably Watertown, do a little better. In addition to making adjustments in the main local aid accounts it fully funds the special education circuit …
It's time for an excise tax on Bikes.
Other States are implementing them on sales of bikes over $499. A 10% sales tax should add a few million to the coffers and offset some of the cost of adding bike lanes. There should be no more free rides seeing the significant costs that motorist are bearing (gas tax, tolls, insurance, excise tax, and …
End the secrecy of the MBTA pension system
It’s time to open up the books of the MBTA pension system. The MBTA derives two-thirds of its $1.9 billion budget from state and local taxes. It contributes $71 million per year to pay pensions for its workers. Historically, MBTA pensions have been very generous, although the legislature reformed the system in 2009 as to new …
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Window Safety Reminder for the Warmer Months; Un Aviso: Seguridad Para Ventanas
See the full-sized poster. Mira el poster de tamaño natural. This information is also provided in Spanish below./Esta información también se proporciona abajo. Warmer weather is approaching and with it a greater risk of injury to children due to falls from windows. The Boston Public Health Commission’s Injury Prevention Program has a Kids Can’t Fly campaign …
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H421, An Act relative to comprehensive health education in schools
Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Education. TO: Joint Committee on Education FROM: Senator William N. Brownsberger RE: H421, An Act relative to comprehensive health education in schools DATE: May 9, 2013 I am writing with regard to H421, An Act relative to comprehensive health education in schools. Many …
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Gun Safety
Please read more about what Senator Brownsberger has learned from the State Police about firearm safety courses here: Are these requirements sufficient? Please share your thoughts below.