S210, An Act relative to safe and supportive schools

Senator Brownsberger submitted the following written testimony to the Joint Committee on Education. TO:                  Joint Committee on Education FROM:            Senator William N. Brownsberger RE:                   Senate Bill 210, An Act Relative to Safe and Supportive Schools DATE:             May 29, 2013 I am writing in favor of S210, An Act Relative to Safe and Supportive Schools. This …

Welfare Fraud

Will, The State Auditors scathing report on Welfare Fraud yesterday confirms my and many others suspicions that the Welfare System is ripe with massive fraud. Taxpayers are outraged at the protectionism the Welfare System has been getting from lawmakers. There will be backlash from the citizenry/voters over this. If we are to give money out, …

2013 Watertown Riverfront Mini-Grant Program

The Watertown Community Foundation is proud to announce the 2013 Watertown Riverfront Mini-Grant Progam.  Please follow the link to view a flyer.  All eligible organizations are encouraged to apply for one of several $500 mini-grants.  The purpose of these grants is to encourage utilization, enjoyment and revitalization of the riverfront. Applicants must be either: an all …

Watch the MA Senate Budget Debate Live and Follow Budget Amendments

The Senate will go into its second day of debate on the Fiscal Year 2014 budget on May 23. You can watch the debate live here provided by Senate Broadcast Services on the MA Legislative website.   You can also follow the progress of the budget amendments at the Senate Budget Website. Roll call results can …