Comments on the Gas Leaks Legislation

This week, the Senate passed legislation to address leaking natural gas pipelines. I was pleased to support this legislation. Jeanne Mooney has posted the official senate press release on this site, but I wanted to offer some additional explanation and comments. Leaking natural gas is a real problem: It is costly. It sometimes endangers the …

Nurses and Needles

The costs of college and graduate education have soared out of control. I’m a strong advocate for giving people less expensive ways to learn what they need to know in order to work.  Overly broad professional licensure requirements can contribute to unnecessarily high education costs and generally to higher costs for consumers. We only let …

Senate Passes Natural Gas Leaks Legislation

We share this press release from the Senate President’s Office _______________________ Senate Passes Natural Gas Leaks Legislation BOSTON – The Senate on Thursday unanimously passed a bill that establishes natural gas leak classification standards, requiring gas companies to repair the most dangerous leaks immediately, and aligns civil penalties for pipeline facility and gas transportation safety …

Letter to Chairman Dempsey re Reading Recovery

Senator Brownsberger joined other legislators in requesting funding in the FY15 budget for the Reading Recovery program. Honorable Brian Dempsey Chairman, House Committee on Ways & Means State House, Room 243 Boston, MA 02133   March 31, 2014   RE: Line item 7030-1005 Reading Recovery  Dear Mr. Chairman:  It was very disheartening this fall to …