The legislatively-created Special Commission to Reduce the Recidivism of Sex Offenders , chaired by Senator Brownsberger, will be meeting for the first time on Tuesday at 10:15 am in Room 348 of the State House. Here is the agenda for the initial meeting.
Here is a notice from MassDOT on Bowker Overpass issues. MassDOT has been very responsive on noise issues, including banging from traffic plates. We will continue to engage with new issues as they develop.
Health Connector Report
Ed Lyons shares a link to a new report on problems with the health connector. He sees the report as a good occasion to discuss issues of transparency, procurement reform, and public-private partnerships.
Red Light Cameras (Studies)
Rich Carlson presents information about numerous (and often conflicting) studies of the effectiveness of red-light cameras to increase traffic safety, and concerns about the information disseminated by companies that provide the camera systems.
Do you favor giving public housing to illegal aliens? Please no BS, just a straight answer.
City of Boston ready to assist off-campus students with move-in issues
A press release from Mayor Walsh’s office announcing a comprehensive strategy to assist students moving into off-campus housing in Boston’s neighborhoods for the 2014-2015 academic year. Representatives from several City departments will conduct targeted housing inspections, trash inspections, and information drops, in student-heavy neighborhoods, from Friday, August 29, through Monday, September 1, 2014.