Boston 2024 Olympic Bid Community Meeting in Arlington on June 1

Senator Brownsberger shares Senator Donnelly’s invitation to residents from neighboring communities to attend a town hall meeting in Arlington on Monday, June 1, 6:30-8:30 p.m. to meet with representatives from Boston 2024 and ask questions about the Olympic bid. The meeting will be held at Arlington Town Hall, 730 Massachusetts Avenue.

FAA To Re-Evaluate Method for Measuring Effects of Aircraft Noise

From Congresswoman Katherine Clark’s office: The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will soon begin work on the next step in a multi-year effort to update the scientific evidence on the relationship between aircraft noise exposure and its effects on communities around airports.

Boston Creates – City of Boston’s Arts & Culture Plan

Boston Creates is a city-wide initiative to build a plan that will guide development of arts and culture for the next ten years. Over the next year, Boston Creates will provide an opportunity to create a cultural blueprint highlighting Boston’s strengths and setting innovative goals for the future. Currently we’re looking for people to get involved as Community Team Members. We’ll be holding the first city-wide Boston Creates Town Hall on June 2nd at 6 p.m. at English High School in Jamaica Plain.