Today the Massachusetts Senate passed comprehensive climate legislation.
airplane noise, carbon and climate, cell towers, flooding, land use issues, parks and recreation, pfas, waste/hazards, water issues
Heat pump provisions in the energy bill
The energy bill includes one statutory change relative to heat pumps that is critical to preserve availability of heat pumps in Massachusetts.
Gas Provisions in the Energy Bill
This post identifies the provisions of S.2829, the senate draft energy bill, that speak to the future of natural gas in the Commonwealth. I am prepared to vote for these provisions as written.
Reducing Plastic Waste
Today the Massachusetts Senate passed legislation that builds on the state’s climate and environmental leadership by banning single-use plastic bags, making straws and plasticware available by request only, and making it easier to recycle.
Toxicology of Heat Pump Refrigerants
The HFCs in heat pumps appear to be pose no danger to people even when they leak.
PFAS Definitions and PFAS Harms
This post collects basic resources on PFAS definitions and PFAS harms.