Senate Passes Transportation Bond Bill

We share this press release from the Senate President’s Office. ———————————————- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Senate Passes Transportation Bond Bill BOSTON – The Senate on Thursday passed a bill authorizing $13 billion in capital spending over the next five years to fund improvements to the Commonwealth’s transportation system. “These initiatives will ensure that our transportation system …

The condition of our roads

Will, I’ll be blunt. The condition of our roads (all of them, local, state, divided highways, etc) is abysmal. In 30 years of driving in MA, I’ve never seen them at this level of deterioration. So what’s going to be done? All the publicity around transportation funding centers around the MBTA and bike paths. For …

The MBTA in the 2013-4 legislative session

My top priority in the first leg of the 2013-14 session will be strengthening the MBTA. The maintenance backlog and service challenges of the MBTA have drawn wide attention. But we need to do much more than stabilize the existing system. We need to increase the capacity of the busiest routes on the system. Much …

The Governor’s Veto of the Transportation Plan

The legislature is tying up the last loose ends of the budget process. The year’s debate about taxes and spending is coming to a close. The final flurry came when the Governor vetoed the legislature’s transportation plan, expressing concern that tolls on the turnpike outside of 128 might come down. Under existing law, there is …

Transportation Plan sent to the Governor

Last week, the House and Senate agreed on a transportation package and sent it to the Governor.  House 3535 is the report of the conference committee reconciling the two versions of the transportation plan. The legislative version of the plan rolled out in April — it was rolled out jointly by the House and Senate Ways …