The MBTA is working to improve service on its key bus routes, which includes, the 73 line. Come to a meeting on June 7, at 7PM, at the Beech Street Center.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Driver’s License Renewal Notice
Follow the link here to sign up for electronic notification of license renewals from the Registry of Motor Vehicles. They no longer send hard copies.
Transportation Bond Bill Passes Senate with Funding for Localities
On Thursday, the Senate passed legislation to provide funding to continue current transportation-related projects through Fiscal Year 2013. The Chapter 90 funds appropriated by this bill for local projects, including roadway and bridge repairs, will support the infrastructure of the Commonwealth’s cities and towns. This appropriation of $200 million (equivalent to last year’s appropriation) represents …
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Transportation Needs Survey
MassDOT is looking for input on transportation investment priorities.
Responding to Continuing MBTA Concerns
I’m still answering a lot of emails about the MBTA. Here’s an example and my reply.
Recent schedule adjustments to the 74, 75 and 78
We’ve been in touch with the MBTA about frequency reductions that constituents have reported to us on these routes. This is the written response that we have received as to the 78 and we received verbally similar explanations regarding the 74 and the 75. Thank you for letting me know about your concerns with recent …
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