MassDOT has passed along an update on the Bowker Overpass Project, which this post provides in its entirety. Please be aware of major construction efforts going on in the Bowker Overpass area between June 29 and July 1.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Public Meeting: Allston I-90 Interchange Project
MassDOT will host a public information meeting about concept development for the Allston I-90 Interchange Project on Wednesday, June 17. The meeting will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Jackson Mann Community Center (500 Cambridge, Street, Allston). Read this post for further information about the meeting.
Public Meeting: Cambridge-Arlington Improvements at Alewife/ Route 2 & Route 16
MassDOT will host a public information meeting about planned improvements at the Route 16/Route 2 interchange. The meeting will be on Tuesday, June 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. at The Café, 60 Acorn Park in Cambridge. Read this post for further information about the meeting.
Charlie Cards
I submitted an application for a Charlie Card (for seniors) on May 6 in Watertown, when the Brownsberger staff kindly presented an opportunity to do this. I think I was told that I would receive the card by mail. When should I expect to receive it? Thanks.
The dangerous Charles River pathway / street intersections
I just want to pass along this video that highlights the severe danger and lack of accessibility at several major street crossings along the Paul Dudley White path on the Charles River. I hope that this is the year that we start to fix these longstanding, life-threatening problems with our parkland pathways.
Route 2/Route 16 Intersection Update
State Rep. Dave Rogers offers an update at his website. The project went out to bid last year and, after several years of design work, is finally underway. See this thread for more information on traffic in the Fresh Pond/Alewife area.