Back Bay Station Concourse Project: Public Meeting

MBTA PUBLIC MEETING Back Bay Station Concourse Project DATE:                 Monday, September 26, 2016 TIME:                  6:00 PM LOCATION:      Transportation Building 10 Park Plaza Conference Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Boston, MA  02116 MEETING AGENDA:         The MBTA’s Back Bay Station project team will present the 30% design for the forthcoming renovations of the Back Bay …

All Electronic Tolling

Over the last several months you may have noticed overhead electronic tolling gantries installed along the Massachusetts Turnpike.  On October 28th, 2016 those gantries will go live and begin collecting tolls.  Here are some things you should know about the transition to All Electronic Tolling (AET): Why: Safety: Crash rates are significantly higher around toll …

Final “Uber” Bill

Late Sunday night, the legislature passed a compromise bill to regulate Transportation Networking Companies like Uber and Lyft.  Here are some of the major components of the H.4570: An oversight department within the Department of Public Utilities is created, funded by a surcharge on the companies. TNC vehicles are subject to annual inspection, which can …

73 Bus Summer 2016 Service Issues

In response to constituent complaints about the service quality of the 73 bus, we reached out to the MBTA to see if there was an explanation and also to get a timeline for the return of the trackless trolley service.  Below is the response from MTA Service Planning: As the original email suggested, the recent poor performance …

7/19/16 Bowker Update

MassDOT has passed along the following status update on the Bowker Overpass construction: Demolition – has been completed Lighting under the bridge – Based on a site walk with Senator Brownsberger, Representative Rushing, and Representative Livingstone we have added a new lighting system to the project.  This work will begin in August and will be …

Update on Fiedler Bridge and Bikes?

Hi Will – I was glad to see an earlier post about the Fiedler bridge and the [editorializing] crazy signage regarding walking our bikes. It was from 2014, and there was mention of some updates and communication with DCR. Is anything likely to change? —— Then, just so it’s clear my perspective, I’m a bike …