Very encouraging forum on climate change impact on transportation infrastructure — the right people are thinking about the issue.
accessibility, bike paths, masspike, mbta, ride sharing, rmv, roads and traffic, rules of the road, statewide transportation funding
Event: Transportation Planning for Allston Landing Interchange
Folks might take interest in this discussion on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 (5-7 PM), sponsored by Harvard’s Graduate School of Design and Harvard Alumni Association.
Better Bus Project
From MassDOT: The MBTA is pleased to introduce the Better Bus Project. Nearly 450,000 people in 50 communities rely on MBTA bus service every weekday. The goal of the Better Bus Project is to understand and analyze where our bus service is not meeting the standards set by the January 2017 Service Delivery Policy, and …
Public Meetings: Comm Ave Bridge Replacement
From MassDOT: The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is hosting two Public Meetings for the Commonwealth Ave Bridge Replacement Project: Monday, May 21, 6:30 PM Morse School, Auditorium 40 Granite Street, Cambridge, MA Wednesday, May 23, 6:30 PM Boston University College of General Studies Jacob Sleeper Auditorium (Lower Level, Room 129) 871 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, …
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May 10-15 – Mass Ave Closure, Detours, and Parking Restrictions
From MassDOT: Massachusetts Avenue Closure, Detours, and Parking Restrictions for Full Bridge Replacement, May 10-15 In order to replace the City of Boston’s bridge that carries Massachusetts Avenue over Commonwealth Avenue, Massachusetts Avenue north and southbound will be closed in the vicinity of the bridge between the Commonwealth Avenue surface roadways in Back Bay from 10:00 PM …
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Transportation Committee Redraft: An Act to Reduce Traffic Fatalities
Senator Brownsberger, Rep. Rogers, Rep. Hecht, several other legislators and a coalition of bicycle, pedestrian and transportation advocates worked to develop, An Act to Reduce Traffic Fatalities, which included several different measures to improve road safety. The Joint Committee on Transportation recently reported favorably a redraft of the bill, which has been sent to the Committee …
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