The Green Line Maintenance Yard

I had a fascinating visit a couple of weeks ago to the Green Line Maintenance Yard in Newton. They roll cars in on a track extension and inspect them and perform routine maintenance from an underground trench. If the cars need heavier maintenance, they can roll them onto a special track and lift up the …

2014 Green Line Forum: May 28, 6PM, Boston Public Library

This year’s Green Line Forum, will be held Wednesday, May 28, 6:00-8:00 p.m. in Rabb Lecture Hall at the Copley Library. Dr. Scott and MBTA personnel will discuss the progress that has been made towards addressing concerns raised during last year’s event and update riders on new initiatives. Attendees will be able to ask questions …

Advocating for the Green Line

With last night’s Senate action on the Transportation Bond Bill, we passed an important milestone in our efforts to improve the transportation system — roads, bridges and public transit. It is worth recapping where we are, with a particular emphasis on the challenge of improving the Green Line. Representing Back Bay, Fenway and the Longwood …

Update on MBTA Green Line Initiatives

Following a meeting with Dr. Beverly Scott, the General Manager of the MBTA, on June 24, 2013, Senator Brownsberger received this letter today updating Senator Brownsberger on the MBTA’s Green Line Initiatives. The letter provides an overview of the following initiatives: 1) Green Line Tracking System 2) System Signalization and Time Improvements 3) Stop Consolidation 4) Government Center …

Green Line Update

Based upon public input received at the Public Information Meeting on Green Line Capacity Issues & Solutions held on January 17, 2013, Senator Brownsberger along with other elected officials sent Transportation Secretary Richard Davey a letter dated March 28, 2013 summarizing the issues and a potential timeline for solutions. Senator Brownsberger met with Dr. Beverly Scott, MBTA General Manager, on April 22, …

Letter to Secretary Davey regarding Green Line concerns

Senator Brownsberger, along with colleagues in the State Senate and House of Representatives, sent a joint letter (Green Line Letter to Secretary Davey 03.28.13) to Secretary Davey outlining concerns about the Green Line.  Much of the content of this letter was gathered at the Public Information Meeting on Green Line Capacity Issues & Solutions that was held …