Urban Wild calls our attention this holiday season

While our rare silver maple forest is within hours or days of being permitted for clear cutting as a town or city christmas gift to its citizens, some actions and public visibility is required so that the decision makers in the crime will be able to take responsiblity for it. There is a way out, …

Where Lies the Responsibility of removing a floodplain forest?

Responsibility of permitting the partial destruction of a vital floodplain While the complex permitting process of the forested “Belmont uplands” encourages highly diverse thinking and speculation, we hope that friends of our rare natural resources (Alewife urban wild) will talk to their selectmen and city councilors who have voted to protect this area and sponsored  …

Our Last Attempt to Save Silver Maple Forest

The Silver Maple Forest is entering its last days if we cannot do something to stop development.  The path to permitting is clear now that the Belmont Zoning Board Authority has accepted the developer’s plan changes as “insignificant” (thus not requiring a public hearing). Friends of Alewife Reservation asks all concerned citizens to meet at …

Silver Maple Forest effort is insufficient for Legislator

While town of Belmont and city of Cambridge is frantic that permits to clearcut the Alewife silver maple forest could happen this week (noted by spokesperson Steve Corridan in the newspaper), and you have been contacted by many persons, it is insufficient for you to ask the DCR to save the forest. We are counting …

Save the Silver Maple Forest

Felling a small river floodplain forest in this age of global warming and annual flooding increases, nullies any wording to describe the criminality of such an the act directed against the local communities that surround Aleiwfe.March and June rains were torrential and flooded the Alewife flood plain, surrounding the silver maple forest up to the …