Considering flood risks out to the 20 foot contour appears to be responsible over the next 100 years. The good news is that careful risk analysis is happening across many agencies.
Preparing for Climate Change
Planning for Rising Seas
Global sea levels are forecast to rise this century. By the year 2100, there is a 96% chance that Boston sea level will have risen by at least 1.8 ft. (0.56 m), a 1.3% chance of the rise exceeding 6.3 ft. (1.92 m) and a 0.1% chance of exceeding 11 ft. (3.4 m).
Climate Change and how it will affect Boston
Today’s New York Times Magazine focuses on climate change and it’s potential impact on coastal communities. We now have a president who calls climate change a hoax. I’m seriously concerned that government in general is largely in denial about the very real consequences that we will soon be facing. I live in Back Bay and …
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Planning for more flooding
Climate change is creating more rainfall and higher sea levels, both of which will contribute to more flooding in our neighborhoods. We have a couple of decades before the problems really come home, but the lead times are long for major projects. Understanding the risks and building regional momentum to respond will remain a continuing priority of mine over the years to come.
Should Will support S.2092?
I am asked by the Union of Concerned Scientists to urge my State Senator to support S.2092, a measure to prepare/protect/ Massachusetts for/from global warming. “The Massachusetts Senate will soon vote on a bill requiring Governor Charlie Baker and future administrations to develop comprehensive plans to guide the Bay State as it prepares for more …
“Know Your Zone” Hurricane Awareness Campaign
In the event that the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency issues a hurricane evacuation order, these are the evacuation zones within Will’s Senate district.