The modest shift to electric heating and other appliances from 1972 to 2009 accounted for only approximately 1 kbtu/sqft/year reduction in fossil EUI in 2009 — a relatively small contribution to the overall drop in fossil EUI of 78 kbtu/sqft/year from 1972 to 2009.
Carbon and Climate
building energy, divestment, emissions data, personal footprint, preparing for climate change, reducing emissions in ma, science and goals
Energy Savings before Mass Save
Why did fossil energy use decline so dramatically even before the Green Communities Act of 2008 launched intensive energy efficiency efforts .
Cutting energy consumption in the last energy crisis
People heating with oil in Massachusetts in 1978 to 1981 faced dramatic price increases. Many apparently sacrificed home comfort to control their heating bills.
How much is the efficiency of the existing housing stock improving?
Efficiency efforts have been successful over time, especially in the period after the oil price shock, but steadily through the decades.
Housing Quantity
Homes have been getting larger for decades. Data from compiiled MassGIS gives a clear view of the pace of growth.
Heat pump decisions
This post attempts to summarize the environmental and consumer considerations for people seeking to electrify heating in a home.