Senate Passes Extension of Net Metering

Yesterday the Senate passed a climate adaptation planning bill, including an amendment to extend solar net metering for investor owned utilities. The Senate was eager to move this issue forward in part because some areas of the state have reached their current cap and solar installations are at risk of losing the federal subsidy which possibly expires at the end of next year. The bill now moves to the House of Representatives, where its prospects are unclear.

S.1749, An Act relative to energy use disclosure

Senator Brownsberger has recently submitted the following testimony on S.1749, An Act relative to energy use disclosure: TO:                  Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy FROM:            Senator William N. Brownsberger RE:                  S1749, An Act relative to energy use disclosure DATE:             June 29th, 2015 I am writing in support of S1749, An Act …