Residents hear update on Logan airplane noise from CAC reps and legislators

The Belmont and Watertown Community Advisory Committees held a joint public meeting on December 3 to update the public on airplane noise from Logan. You can watch the entire meeting via a link to the Belmont Media Center. Observations by Will, along with questions he posed (including answers he received from MassPort), are also contained here.

Public Meeting Dec. 3: An Update on Logan Airplane Noise

Join the Belmont and Watertown representatives from the Logan Airport Community Advisory Committee on Wednesday, December 3 at 7:00 PM in the Board of Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Belmont Town Hall, to hear about recent action being taken to address airplane noise. Senator Brownsberger, State Representatives Jon Hecht and Dave Rogers, and staff for Congresswoman Katherine Clark will also attend.

Update on Logan Runway Use Plan Test and Airplane Noise

Belmont’s representative to the Logan Community Advisory Committee (CAC) provides this update about airplane noise in Belmont, actions being taken by our elected representatives to address the problem, and the need for Belmont residents affected by airplane noise to continue to report the issues they are experiencing.

Computations in Airplane Noise Study

This post offers some background related to the conversation about airplane noise in Belmont and Watertown including some downloadable data.

This post is basically an exploration of the data. But it does yield a bottom line insight: flights departing from runway 33L are very concentrated over two narrow corridors in Belmont and Watertown, but spreading them out by as much as 1000 meters in either direction would not make a detectable difference in experienced noise levels.