The recent federal ruling on au pair arrangements creates real hardships, but I do not support legislative reversal of it.
casinos, consumer issues, convention center, development strategy, housing, industry regulation, inequality, intellectual property, net neutrality, non-competition agreements, olympics, poverty and assistance, turnpike air rights development, work
Governor Baker’s ‘Housing Choice’ Initiative
The Executive Office of Housing & Economic Development shared a presentation on H.3507, Governor Baker’s Housing Choice legislative proposal
Housing Directions
The struggle to provide an adequate supply of affordable housing is deeply interwined with the larger struggle to reduce inequality. I will work with my colleagues towards the goal of delivering meaningful housing reforms in the coming session.
MAPC & Town of Belmont Seek Survey Participation from Local Businesses
The Metropolitan Area Planning Council has created a survey for local businesses to help guide local policy regarding what businesses in Belmont would envision changing to stimulate the Town’s economy
A Study in Persistence and Compromise
The non-competition legislation that became law last week is a hard-fought compromise, banning non-competes for lower level workers, limiting them for higher level workers and providing procedural protections to assure that workers know what they are getting into when they sign them.
Subject: Affordable housing: Why aren’t we discussing it here?
None of the categories in this blog pertain directly to housing. Given the skyrocketing rents, prices and valuations for homes in this district, why is this not a regular topic of discussion?