As part of his administration’s Housing Choice Initiative, Governor Baker filed H.3507, An Act to promote housing choices, this session to provide targeted zoning reform to benefit communities pursuing new housing production. The bill would make changes to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A to reduce the threshold of local votes needed to adopt certain zoning changes from 2/3 to a simple majority, while promoting housing development.

To learn more about the state’s housing challenges and Governor Baker’s proposal, click here to view a presentation shared by the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development.

2 replies on “Governor Baker’s ‘Housing Choice’ Initiative”

  1. Dear Senator,
    I appreciate your effort in advocating for the local community that are in shortage of housing supplies.
    Communities around economic center is in need of zoning code updates (a lot of rules are out-dated, and do not fit the 21st economy and community). We need to have modernized zoning code that put the region forward in social economic development.

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