Senator Brownsberger submitted the following letter to the Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means outlining his budget priorities for Fiscal Year 2019
budget and local aid updates, community preservation act, financial outlook, local aid policy, priorities/requests, resources, revenue, taxes
After school care
After school care needs improvement.
Fiscal Zero Day
It’s June 30th. Why no state budget? What is it going to take? Response from Will, July 1 AM Truth is I don’t know much more than you do, reading the newspapers, about the progress of this conference committee. One thing I do have a little perspective on is the difficulty of the job that …
Discussion on FY’18 Budget
I’m hosting a discussion meeting on the state budget at the Watertown Library on Wednesday, May 10 at 6:30PM. The meeting will begin with an overview of the budget and there will be ample time for discussion.
FY18 Chapter 90 Totals
Today the Senate will take up a Chapter 90 authorization bill. Chapter 90 funds are the primary source of funding that the Commonwealth provides to cities and towns for road maintenance and repair. Last year the state authorized $200 million of Chapter 90 funding. Chapter 90 funds are appropriated to all cities and towns determined …
FY18 Budget Priorities Letter to Senate Ways and Means
Click to read Senator Brownsberger’s letter to Senator Spilka, Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means