Recently, I’ve been hearing from people urging me to take action to free Justina Pelletier from the custody of the Department of Children and Families and send her back to her parents. See the sample emails further below. I’m certainly troubled by the story of Justina. It is always deeply saddening when DCF takes children …
Author Archives: Will Brownsberger
Bowker Overpass — Multistage Construction?
Recently, concerns have been expressed that the Bowker project is actually larger than people have realized. This concern comes from the presence of multiple Bowker related projects in MassDOT’s project management system. Paul Nelson at MassDOT has offered the clarification below: I understand that trying to use our Project Information System can be a bit …
Continue reading “Bowker Overpass — Multistage Construction?”
Public Health Insurance Option
I’ve recently been receiving notices that constituents of mine have been signing a MoveOn petition urging me to support Senate 514, An Act Establishing a Public Health Insurance Option. Senate 514 is a serious, well-assembled legislative proposal which speaks to important issues — strengthening competition in the health insurance market place and improving access to …
Update regarding 73 Service
Many are waiting for answers regarding the perceived deterioration of 73 service. I had the occasion to get an informal response from the MBTA on this issue today: MBTA staff have reviewed your comments at this website. They have received my letter further conveying concerns. They agree that there has been a meaningful deterioration of …
Single Use Plastic Bags
I’ve been asked by a new group in Watertown — “Rethink Plastic” — to make a statement about eliminating single use plastic bags. I’m pleased to do so! I do support eliminating single use plastic bags. I am cosponsor of a bill, House 696, which would address this issue statewide. The environmental damage that plastic …
Animal Cruelty
I have recently received a number of emails in the form below asking me to support Senate 1626 to protect circus elephants. I do support this legislation, and I am, in fact, a cosponsor. I believe that at some point in the future, we will look back on the days when we trucked circus animals …