Energy and Climate Overview

Movement to a clean energy economy is a moral priority — uncontrolled climate change threatens future generations. This is an area of deep continuing concern for me. In the current legislative session, my top energy/climate goals are: Strengthening the MBTA Improving our preparation for sea level rise, including storm surges. For more about my work …

The MBTA in the 2013-4 legislative session

My top priority in the first leg of the 2013-14 session will be strengthening the MBTA. The maintenance backlog and service challenges of the MBTA have drawn wide attention. But we need to do much more than stabilize the existing system. We need to increase the capacity of the busiest routes on the system. Much …

Budget Outlook Positive for 2014-5

The state’s finances are looking up as the economy picks up — that was the main message at the annual “Revenue Hearing” today.  At the same time, all who spoke cautioned against over-confidence. Every December, lead budget writers for the Governor, the House and the Senate convene to hear presentations from leading experts on the …

Video games and violence

About this time last year, after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, a constituent from Watertown approached me with concern about the role that “first person shooter” games play in training people to commit acts of violence.  We developed and, with the support of Representatives Hecht and Lawn from Watertown, filed legislation to study …