Human Trafficking

Senator Brownsberger: as a Massachusetts resident, I am very concerned about people in our Commonwealth who are young, vulnerable, desperate and in danger of being exploited. I support Senate Bill 872, and I urge you to consider it favorably. It will strengthen the anti-human trafficking law by codifying safe houses, john schools, training and data dissemination and public outreach. Thank you.

MyRWA Clean Water Campaign Committee

Currently under consideration in East Arlington is a planned development for a multi-story building with 207 apartments and 12 town homes. The Mugar Wetlands site is, however, ill-suited for the proposed development. Please join us in the effort to preserve and protect this extremely valuable natural resource, either by contacting Senator Brownsberger or by joining the efforts already under way with the Coalition to Save The Mugar Wetlands.

Facing Facial Recognition

Today’s second hour of Tom Ashbrook’s show looked at where facial recognition technology is taking us. The pending ubiquity of identifying individuals from snaphots, web posts, and security cameras is becoming a serious possibility. I would really like the Commonwealth to vouchsafe that my likeness and other personal details that I have entrusted them with is our little secret.

Charlie Cards

I submitted an application for a Charlie Card (for seniors) on May 6 in Watertown, when the Brownsberger staff kindly presented an opportunity to do this. I think I was told that I would receive the card by mail. When should I expect to receive it? Thanks.