MBTA cancels contracts for Green Line extension

Dear Will, Following our discussion on the Waverley square ABA renovation, here is another news demonstrate the incompetence of DOT and MBAT http://www.boston.com/news/2015/12/10/mbta-cancels-contracts-for-green-line-extension/WGWg5TobNPN3dQYxD9QXHN/story.html?p1=menu_business_latest Thanks god Beverly Scott was fired during last winter fiasco. And a lot more is needed to correct the ship. Voluntary retirement will not work for MBTA. We need to keep firing …

Syrian Refugee and Terrorist Threat

Dear Senator, I know this topic will not be easy. But I still want to post my concerns here. In light of the recent tragedy in Paris, I am wondering whether we should review its recent decision in accepting refugees from Syria. Because I still remember the Marathon bombing right here in Boston about three …

Time to reform MA Records Access and stop Government Extortion (Support MA H.2772 and S.1676)

Will — Please support H.2772 and S.1676 Background http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/2015/03/19/how-massachusetts-keeps-secrets-from-you/NatKrY9ISxepNBOLDSfzYK/story.html When the watchdog group the State Integrity Investigation graded states on how well they make public information available, Massachusetts failed. State Sen. Jason Lewis and Rep. Peter Kocot aim to improve the state’s reputation with a new bill that would increase public access to records. But …

Forces arbitration in user agreements

Hi Will, I was just reading an article in today’s NT Times regarding the increasing use of arbitration clauses by major corporations like American Express, Discover, Netfilx, EBay, etc in their user agreements. To quote the article: “By inserting individual arbitration clauses into a soaring number of consumer and employment contracts, companies like American Express …

Boston is #4 in the world for Ivory sales, Cambridge is #7

Boston is a heavy purveyor of ivory which is contributing to the mass destruction of elephants and rhinos in the world. Destined to be extinct by 2025, MA needs to pass its Ivory Ban Bill despite whatever economic loss the individual owner of ivory may face. We are a grassroots organization that has members in …