Let’s Improve Officer Safety

Hi Will – I read with some interest the article in Globe regarding the deaths of several Police Officers on traffic enforcement duty (http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2010/07/18/trooper_struck_during_stop). This illustrates the danger of exceptional conditions on the highway. As long as traffic moves smoothly and everyone follows the rules, things generally work out fine, but anyone who’s ever been …

Illegal Immigration and Public Housing

Access to public housing is another matter where there is ambiguity and debate when it comes to illegal immigration.  Access to federal housing is restricted based on immigration status, but notably, access to state housing does not depend on immigration status.  This has been the case since 1977, when U.S. District Court ruled in Weeks …

Illegal Immigrant Employment and Benefit Use

Illegal immigration has become even more of a hot-button issue in our country due to the Arizona law and in Massachusetts from the proposed budget amendments on immigration.  I am researching the facts about the immigration situation in Massachusetts, and this post will explore the linked issue of immigrant employment and welfare use. The subjects …