Will is right on ESLR-MA should not be involved-nor should the USA

Recently Will spoke out about Massachusetts and Gov. Patrick funding of Evergreen Solar (ESLR). Will is right to condemn it and the state was and remains wrong when it attempts to fund private industry; and for that matter so is Pres. Obama wrong on this allocation of resources. The private sector, often referred to by some at …

Will grasps pensions-will “they” care?

Will Brownsberger’s recent posts and proposed  ideas illustrate what a thoughtful legislators does; research, consult, publicly debate and propose. He is one of the good ones. While I would go in the direction of getting the state out of the retirement business, Will is attempting to lead reform that would reshape the pension system and …

Will wrong on redistricting

It pains me to public disagree with our usually well intentioned state representative, but Rep Brownsberger was wrong to vote in favor of a 28 member Legislative Redistricting Commission offered by his party rather than a seven person non legislative commission. While it was the politically smart and easy vote, it is not in keeping …

Legislators are not Employment Agents

Tom Keane’s op-ed piece, http://www.boston.com/news/politics/articles/2010/12/04/politicians_no_more_favors, copy and paste to read, is spot on and I hope Rep. Brownsberger takes it to heart and introduces legislation that will institutionalize it’s message. Key take away: “Exceptions create the appearance — if not the reality — that the rule of law doesn’t apply to all. They breed cynicism …

Legislators as Job Recuiters

Given the complexities of  job procurement and the fact that most legislators have little training in personnel, it would be be wise for legislators to be prohibited from participating in the  process for public employment. Certainly if a legislator knows of a position they can inform a potential applicant and that is where they should …

If only we had leaders like Margaret

I encourage you all to read this commentary from the London Daily Telegraph which looks back at the wisdom of Thatcherism- http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/peteroborne/100064330/margaret-thatcher-knew-the-single-currency-would-devastate-europe/ key takeaway- In the 1980s the policies of Britain’s first female Prime Minister, which brought pain and unrest to the UK, were called ‘Thatcherism’. Today, we would call such policies by a different …