Will, thank you for testifying for S58, the anti-human trafficking bill filed by Sen. Mark Montigny, and for cosponsoring the bill. Human trafficking, which is the crime of buying and selling human beings, typically into servitude or prostitution, occurs everywhere in the world (www.polarisproject.org). There are victims here in Massachusetts.
Final Ethics Bill Released — Full Text Available.
House and Senate conferees released the text of the final ethics bill that they have agreed on. The initial read from informed observers is that it is a very strong bill that more or less takes the strongest ideas from the House bill, the Senate bill and the recommendations of the Governor’s task force.
Pending Ethics Legislation
As a constituent, I appreciate the opportunity to comment here on the pending “ethics” legislation.
Devocalization of Dogs and Cats
A group of citizens who care for the rights of animals are advocating a bill to end the practice of surgical devocalization of dogs.
Ethics Reform Discussions This Week
In Belmont Town Hall, on Wednesday night, June 24, from 7PM to 9PM, two speakers who have been centrally involved in crafting the ethics reform legislation will lead a public discussion about the reforms.
Voting for the FY2010 Budget
I voted this afternoon for the FY2010 budget which passed with 110 votes in the House and 31 in the Senate, in both branches more than the 2/3 needed to override a possible veto.