Hi Will, This is my fault for not taking the time over the years to ask you about your position in person. You certainly are always available. I know others who feel the same way that I do so I thought I would ask on this snowy morning to get some clarification on this issue. …
Public Transportation Should Receive Funding From Gas Tax
Anyone witnessing the sea of headlights and taillights at rush hour on the highways must realize that the solution to many transportation and environmental related problems rests with public transportation. The decision whether to commute to work in an automobile or public transportation is solely in the impact to the pocketbook. The MBTA and …
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Virtual Education Bill Moving
The present House Education Chair, Rep. Alice Peisch, and her predecessor, Rep. Marty Walz, have taken a strong leadership role in shaping an approach to expanding virtual education in Massachusetts.
MBTA Financial Condition
The MBTA faces a long-term structural budget deficit. The steep fare increases and service cuts proposed offer only short-term financial relief. In the long run, we need to provide more financial support for the T.
Citizen Rally and Summit for Democracy, Boston Jan 20 & 21
Please attend this two-day event if you can, and consider endorsing important related Statehouse bills S304 (campaign funding disclosure) S305 (corporate accountability) S308 (clean elections) 1577 (pay to play) On the January 20–21 anniversary of the Citizens United decision, a wide coalition of groups will stand together for GETTING MONEY OUT OF POLITICS! From 12:30pm-1:30pm …
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Three Strikes Update
It appears that we can expect a more comprehensive sentencing package, which will require weeks or months to develop.