Several years of legislative effort for me culminated on January 3 when Governor Patrick signed legislation authorizing online public schools. I’m grateful for the able leadership of two successive chairs of the Education Committee, Rep. Marty Walz and Rep. Alice Peisch.
Removing the Bowker By Improving Longwood to Pike access
Regarding the Bowker overpass, I know the state is concerned about handling the traffic if the Bowker is removed (especially to/from the Longwood area), while most area residents would like to see the Bowker gone. The following suggestions would make using the Pike to get to Longwood easier, thus reducing the need to use Storrow …
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Securing Schools without Guns: Lots of options, lots of work to be done locally.
I am very happy that legislators are ready to take up the issue of gun control. No one needs the massacre-in-seconds capability provided by assault weapons and large magazines. There is simply no other use for these devices than killing as many people as possible as fast as possible. Until the general proliferation of these …
Continue reading “Securing Schools without Guns: Lots of options, lots of work to be done locally.”
Oral Cancer Therapy
I’ve received a number of emails in the form further below. I do appreciate the acknowledgement of this change, which I did advocate for. It makes a lot of sense — oral cancer therapies are often safer and more cost-effective than intravenous therapies. ——————— As a constituent and a volunteer for the American Cancer Society …
Dangerous Breed Legislation
Recently, I have received a number of emails in the form further below. My reply is that yes, I will vote to protect the breed neutral language that we passed last year. I am respectful of the comments that the ASPCA has provided on this issue. The ASPCA is not aware of any credible evidence …
Safer Chemistry Bill
I’ve recently been receiving emails in the form below. My reply is that yes, I have just signed on as a cosponsor. ————– I’m writing to ask you to please take a stand to protect our health from toxic chemicals by cosponsoring An Act for Healthy Families and Businesses through Safer Chemistry, filed by Representative …