Public Comment Period Extended for Logan Runway Draft Environmental Assessment

The public comment period for a draft environmental assessment of a proposal to utilize a satellite-guided airport route to reduce noise pollution in the Greater Boston area has been extended through March 15, 2013.  When I wrote about this proposal previously, the deadline was listed as February 15, 2013.  You may now submit written comments through March 15, 2013 to …

14th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup

Senator Brownsberger is excited to invite you to participate in the 14th Annual Charles River Cleanup to be held on Earth Day, Saturday, April 20, 2013 from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM.  Senator Brownsberger and his staff will once again organize a region of the Charles River in Allston, Brighton and Watertown.  Specifically, we are seeking volunteers to …

Sentencing on gun crime doesn’t make sense

I was appalled that the South African sprinter with leg prostheses is being sentenced to PREMEDITATED MURDER for shooting an intruder who turned out to be his girlfriend. The prosecution insists it is because he was “shooting to kill”. Not being a lawyer, I’d like one to explain why, by the same logic, it isn’t …

A Trial Balloon

I want to float a trial balloon. Don’t take my head off, it’s just a thought: What if we were to give the MBTA the ability to raise its own tax revenues regionally subject to periodic voter approval (as in Proposition 2.5)? Some background first: As compared to other major transit agencies in the United …