Reform noncompete contracts (Resources)

News A noncompete reform bill for the 2011-2012 legislative session has been filed by Rep.s Ehrlich, Brownsberger, Peisch, and others as House Bill 2293 ( The legislators welcome comments on the bill, as it can be revised before filing (and at several points after filing).  If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please contact …

Save the Silver Maple Forest (2007-8 campaign)

Save the Silver Maple Forest was a 2007 grassroots campaign to protect the urban wild at Belmont Uplands (in Belmont and Cambridge, Massachusetts) by advocating for the passage of Massachusetts House Bill 21 (2007-2008 legislative session), cosponsored by Rep. Will Brownsberger and Sen. Steve Tolman.  An alliance of individuals and organizations came together, many of …

Cell tower proposal — are there alternatives?

Regarding Verizon’s proposal to site a tall cell tower in Belmont on Rte. 2 (, are there feasible solutions that would improve our cell coverage but which would use less visible antennae?  What are the trade-offs?

Belmont Municipal Light Dept. proposal for new substation

I was wondering what people think about the Belmont Municipal Light Dept. proposal to build a new substation to handle the increasing peak electricity demand in Belmont (; the presentation was video’d at the Oct. 14 Warrant Committee meeting,  As I understand from the BMLD materials, the project would cost $34 million and be …