ABC Stormwater Flooding Board

The State Senate today approved legislation extending the existence of the Arlington Belmont Cambridge Stormwater Flooding Board. Action will now be required by the House on the legislation. The Board grew out of informal conversations convened over 10 years ago between the three communities to remedy shared flooding problems. The board funds an online flood …

Trapelo Corridor Project

It’s lovely that they’re going to renovating it some, but I hope it is well-known that any less than a 5 foot wide bike lane adjacent to 8-foot wide parking stalls does not even meet AASHTO’s inadequate standards. The only place along the proposed reconstruction (working from I think the 75% design documents, as of …

Belmont-Trapelo Corridor Project to Start Soon

An official announcement will be forthcoming, but here is a partial update to cover questions that I have been receiving about the status of the Belmont-Trapelo Corridor project. This project is a Cambridge-to-Waltham reconstruction of the Belmont Street and Trapelo Road corridor. Belmont, Watertown and neighboring communities will benefit greatly from this project. It represents …

Software Tax Update

The Department of Revenue has produced new guidelines about the application of the software services tax. These are draft guidelines which are still subject to change. The important idea in the new interpretation, which is an idea that I had been pushing, is that the tax should apply to modifications of pre-written software only when …

Bikepath from Belmont to Alewife Opening

The long awaited direct bike path connection from Belmont (next to where the Fitchburg line crosses Brighton Street — click for map) to Alewife is open! The overall project is in its final phase of construction, with connections to Cambridge Park Drive (previously open as a detour) and into the marsh currently closed. But you …